Thursday, October 24, 2013

Part 2 - „Living together“ in „Kniajevska Forest” Park

Here we are again. A week after the beginning we're together back in Kniajevska forest, at the site, the place where we want to put in our good attitude towards the surrounding urban environment. To give heart and physical effort for the benefit of the local community.

We live in a world where nothing stands still, the movement and the changes are permanent. This impression was waiting for us at the future compost site, which is located near the forest, just behind the municipal bins.

After it was cleaned a week ago, we found the place messed up again with garbage. It is a common occurrence in Sofia after that the homeless dogs have searched for food in people's garbage. The view didn‘t discourage us – we reworked it, cleaned it up again and continued with making it even and preparing for the installation of the composters.

Read more about the compost project in our blog Food for the Earth.

 Along the outline of the compost area we planted bushes – which will become a living fence and beautiful natural boarder of the area.

 After the bushes were planted we continued to clean up the ravine of more construction waste, the majority of which was literally "planted" deeply under the ground. Extending the scope of the planned project activities we released the natural course of the little stream that is flowing in the ravine.

Our final activity for the day was planting the first tree – a Chamaecyparis sp. a type of conifer tree– in the future repose area.
Finally we looked at our draft plan several times considering how it would be best to locate the benches in the area; where and what kind of trees and bushes to plant and how to form the pathways. Everyone had their creative and reasoned suggestions. The final decision will be taken next week.

The children and the sun on that day were our immutable inspiration. The sun - with its soft autumn warmth and support to accomplish more work. The children – with their unforced attitude, curiousity and enchanting support.